Brown Brothers Harriman
400,000 SF
Habjan Architecture, Dyer Brown & Associates
- Three-month preconstruction process
- 400,000 SF fit out of the 65-year-old building Verizon building in Post Office Square
- Fit-out will enable Brown Brothers Harriman to consolidate its Boston contingent into one headquarters location</li>
<li>12-floor build out of new office space in a scope of work that includes open work areas, private offices, trading areas with heavy tel-data requirements, a new conference center, training rooms, a full-service cafeteria and kitchen, an executive dining facility, atriums and interconnecting stairs - An added level of complexity comes from the need to re-purpose a building originally constructed as a telecom outpost; built in telecom infrastructure, heavy switch gear and unique equipment need to be removed
- Additional challenges include varying deck-to-deck heights on every floor and unreliable as-built drawings
